February is American Heart Month. Hypertension (also known as High Blood Pressure) is the single most significant risk factor for heart disease. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can injure or kill you. It’s sometimes called “the silent killer” because it has no symptoms. One in three adults has high blood pressure, yet, about 21% don’t even know they have it. Of those with high blood pressure, 69% are receiving treatment, yet, only 45% have their blood pressure controlled.
By keeping your blood pressure in the healthy range, you are:
* Reducing your risk of your vascular walls becoming overstretched and injured,
* Reducing your risk of your heart having to pump harder to compensate for blockages,
* Protecting your entire body so that your tissue receives regular supplies of blood that is rich in the oxygen it needs.
American Heart Association Guidelines:
High blood pressure is manageable. These changes may reduce your blood pressure without the use of prescription medications: eating a heart-healthy diet, which may include reducing salt; enjoying regular physical activity; maintaining a healthy weight; managing stress; limiting alcohol; avoiding tobacco smoke.
Contact Family Nutrition Center to schedule an appointment with our Registered Dietitians. Let us help you meet your health and nutrition goals.